Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pewabic writing is a blog that explores creative writing as an art form. Art classes have made my parents better artists. They have shared with me how they have learned about primary colors and how to mix them together, how to maximize the size of the canvas to bring the focal point towards the main subject in a painting, how the same subject matter can be abstract,  or more realistic. Two different paintings about the same subject. My mom paints more abstract and my dad paints more realistic. I love them both!
A goal of Pewabic writing is to bring this knowledge to a writing community and to share word art. Currently, I am writing a blog about the quest for Charles Cist. One creative writing exercise that I have been thinking about  is to experiment with the idea of freedom and imprisonment in a word art form. Let me explain more about this. Most of us have read about freedom and imprisonment. Charles Cist was a royal phycian in the royal court of Catherine the Great in the mid 1700's in imperial Russia. A coup was discovered and he was imprisoned and scheduled to be shipped off to Siberia (and we all know that when you go to Siberia you do not return). I am exploring the notion that when he was imprisoned I want to use short, dark, non- descriptive words and short sentences at the beginning of the story when he is in jail. I want  there to be a correlation to imprisonment with short sentences and so forth. As the story moves along towards his escape to America during her American Revolution I want to enlarge my sentences to become more descriptive, more elaborate, more intertwined because of the multiple meanings of what freedom and imprisonment means to different individuals and to a collective group. In short, as the story blooms so does the creative writing. I have listened to authors speak, attended readings, and I have read many books about how to write, but little about what I want to explore here. This is something new for me and I am sharing my strengths and weaknesses with the reader(s). There is a story here with Mr. Cist and I want to have the freedom for the quest for Charles Cist.

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